Fresh Fest 2024

Start The Best Four Years Of Your Life Early!

Hillel is here to help you connect to your classmates and to upperclassmen. Hillel is here to help you adjust to life on campus away from home! Hillel is here to help you find the resources and community you need to be a successful young Jewish adult.

Hillel Fresh Fest is an early move-in event before the semester starts, and is open to all new Rutgers University class of 2028 Jewish students. Fresh Fest will include awesome programming, led and planned by Hillel’s incredible upperclassmen Fresh Fest 2024 Leadership Team, and seamlessly integrated into the University’s larger Welcome Week schedule.

Join us for Rutgers Hillel Fresh Fest 2024, Monday, August 26th through Tuesday, August 27th, with options throughout Shabbat.

Registration for Fresh Fest 2024 is now closed! See y’all in August!

if you have not already joined the Rutgers Hillel Class of 2028 WhatsApp Group, make sure to download WhatsApp and join the Rutgers Hillel WhatsApp Community and then the Class of 2028 Group. 

Contact the Fresh Fest staff at if you have any questions or concerns.

So, Why Do Fresh Fest?

Early Access: Move-in to your dorms early and get settled on campus. Avoid the hassle of enduring lengthy lines and navigating the overwhelming number of incoming freshmen during the peak move-in period. Get acclimated to life on campus and get to know what Jewish life is like on campus before everyone else. 

Making Friends: Get a head start on making friends! Many of Fresh Fest’s intimate small-group programs will be organized by dorm or major, giving you a leg up on everyone else easily enabling you to find “your people.” But wait! – students aren’t going to be the only ones who will get to make friends. All parents will be invited to the Fresh Fest opening bagel brunch. 

Hillel Swag: Need we say more? There will be tons of swag! Tons!



Does it cost money to participate in Fresh Fest?

Yes, it costs $100. If you would like to participate, but need financial assistance to allow you to join us, please indicate so on the form and someone will be in touch with you.

What happens at Fresh Fest?

This is a big question! Some of the highlights include: making new friends, unpacking and getting settled in your dorms, bonfire & movie night, a New Brunswick scavenger hunt, and a trip to Supercharged entertainment venue in Edison, NJ.

When is the deadline to register?

The last day to register is Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.

Can you ensure there will be food for me to eat at Fresh Fest?

Whenever we are eating as a group we will always have food from kosher establishments. In addition, we are happy to accommodate other special diets such as vegetarians, vegan, and those who are gluten-free.

I'm not religious, are these programs for me? Is Hillel for me?

That is totally fine! Here at Hillel, we celebrate “All kinds of Jewish!” Anyone, no matter how they practice or identify, is welcome in our community.

If my roommate isn't doing Fresh Fest, should I still do it?

Of course! There’s so much more to college than just your roommate. We encourage everyone to meet new people, try new things, and learn from others around them! You will meet your roommate when they arrive on campus, and we promise you will be spending tons of time with them over the next year and beyond.

Can my family come to Fresh Fest?

Yes, for the first program! Following move-in, we will be having a family send-off bagel brunch for participants and their families on our first afternoon together.

I can’t participate in Fresh Fest, can I still get involved in Hillel?

Yes, of course!!!!! Hillel is a place for everyone! We have many options and opportunities to get involved with Hillel and we look forward to welcoming you into your new Jewish community! If you have any questions or want more info please fill out our general interest form, visit our website, or contact us at

Where will I be sleeping during Fresh Fest?

A big perk of Fresh Fest is the early move-in, so you will be sleeping in your dorm rooms. If you need help getting to and from your dorm our Fresh Fest leaders will be happy to help!

I am living at Chabad, what should I do?

If you are living in Chabad this fall, please be aware you may not be able to move into the dorms on the first day of Fresh Fest. We suggest that you be prepared to find an alternative living arrangement until Chabad is open.

I am living at the Honors College, can I still participate?

Yes! Freshmen moving into the Honors College are able to join us for our programming on Monday, August 27th before formal Honors College Programming begins on that Tuesday!

Before You Go… 

Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & LinkedIn, and sign up for the Rutgers Hillel newsletter so you are able to keep up-to-date on all things Rutgers Hillel! To all of our parents, make sure to join our Rutgers Hillel Parents Facebook Group too! 

We also want to make sure you know about Incoming Shabbat (the first Shabbat of the 2024 Fall Semester), and the Welcome Back BBQ (Monday, September 2nd). Both events require advanced registration – please follow the links above to do so.

Rutgers Hillel is located at 70 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

See you in August!