Trigger Warning: sexual assault, harassment, gender-based violence.



Rutgers Hillel condemns any and all forms of sexual assault, gender-based violence, and harassment. We support victims of sexual assault and harassment along with their friends and allies. Unequivocally, we believe victims when they come forward.

Jewish tradition prioritizes the dignity of human life and gives us the tools to create a system that emphasizes safety and support. Daily in our liturgy, we pray for sukkat shlomecha, a shelter of peace, which is not achievable without an emphasis on personal, bodily autonomy.

Rutgers Hillel has developed a plan that addresses victim advocacy and sexual assault awareness. At the same time, we are updating our policies regarding how we respond to matters of sexual assault, violence, and harassment. We are working to bring about a cultural change that ensures students regard the Rutgers Jewish community as a safe space, to bring awareness of how these problems manifest in the Jewish community, and to celebrate allyship and create a network of support between our students. If you or someone you know would like to connect with Rutgers University resources, please contact the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at