April is Israel Month at Rutgers Hillel!
Sprint time is an eventful time at Rutgers Hillel Center for Israel Engagement (RHCIE). It’s time to remember those Jews and non-Jews, who gave their lives and health to guard the State of Israel, and then to celebrate to reestablishment of a Jewish state in the land of Israel. This year marks the 65th birthday of the state of Israel, a dream that came true.
Please follow the RHCIE Facebook fan page to learn more about up coming Israel programs.

Featured Events:
- Yom HaZikaron— Yom HaZikaron is Israel’s Memorial Day. Yom HaZikaron is a day to remember all the fallen soldiers, recognizing those who devoted their lives to fight for Israel’s survival.
In honor of this day we will be watching “Follow me, The Yoni Netanyahu Story.” Yoni Netanyahu is an Israeli hero with an incredible story. Following the movie showing there will be a vigil in honor of all the fallen soldiers of Israel and the victims of terrorism.
- Yom Ha’atzmaut– Yom Ha’atzmaut is Israel’s Independence Day. Rutgers Hillel Center for Israel Engagement will celebrate Israel at the center of Rutgers University, in front of the Rutgers Student Center on College Avenue.
The Rutgers Zionist community will create opportunities to talk
with their peers about the spirit of Israelis. There will be t-shirts with your name written in Hebrew, a rock concert and of course a BBQ.
- Second Annual For Team Israel 5k– This program will raise money for the Rutgers Hillel Center for Israel Engagement while engaging the community and promoting Shomer HaGuf, ‘taking care of one’s body’. Sign up for the 5k fun run or 1 mile at this link.